首页> 中文期刊> 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >解读《牛奶与蜂蜜》中的边缘文化符号




《牛奶与蜂蜜》是20世纪澳大利亚女作家伊利莎白·乔利的一部作品,这部作品中蕴含了丰富的文化符号,通过小说中移民、女性和疯癫这三类边缘人的符号可以看出作者对于边缘人生存状况的关注,边缘人不应当被人们看作一种怪物和耻辱,他们也是真正的人类,需要人类的真诚的关怀,生活在中心的人应该肩负起保护弱势群体尊严的责任,这是一种必然的超越现代文化价值观的后现代趋势。%Milk and Honey is the work of 20th century Australian woman writer Elizabeth Jolley. There embodied various cultural signs in it and through the signs of migrants, women and the mad we can see the author' s concern towards the living conditions of those marginalized people. Those living on the mar- gin should not be looked down upon as humble or shameful. Instead, they should be regarded as real hu- man beings as ourselves and be given proper humane care. Those living in the center should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the dignity of the weak and this is an inevitable post-modern tendency transcen- ding modern cultural system of values.



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