首页> 中文期刊>南方医科大学学报 >年轻多囊卵巢综合征患者发生子宫内膜样腺癌并透明细胞癌1例报告




A 26-year-old unmarried woman with irregular menstruation for 4 years was admitted for an intrauterine space-occupying mass. Pathological examination before surgery showed moderately to poorly differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent laparoscopically assisted epifascial panhysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Pathological examination of the surgical specimens reported moderately to poorly differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma and stage II clear cell carcinoma. The patient then received chemotherapy and remained alive without evidence of recurrence. Young women with polycystic ovarian syndrome are at high risk of developing endometrial carcinoma, but concurrent clear cell carcinoma is rare. Careful evaluation before and after treatment are essential to improve the patients’prognosis.%患者,26岁,未婚未育。主诉月经不调4年,阴道流血10 d,发现宫腔占位5 d。病理检查:中-低分化子宫内膜样腺癌。行腹腔镜下筋膜外全子宫及双附件切除术,术后诊断:子宫内膜样中低分化腺癌并透明细胞癌Ⅱ期,辅予以化疗,患者恢复可。年轻多囊卵巢综合症患者是发生子宫内膜癌的高危人群,而合并透明细胞癌者罕见,术前多科室综合评估、治疗方式的选择及预后分析是十分必要的,这也为今后的临床工作提供了经验。



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