


The citation anomie refers that a writer runs against various standards and requirements of the academic community (industry association, organization, or academic research management authority), which are made by the relevant parties according to the laws of the academic development and being con-ducive to academic accumulation and innovation. The types of citation anomie include: unsophisticated, in-complete, unsmooth, ambiguous; excessive and ill-formed. The reason for the citation anomie lies in the lack of scientific citation norms, the absence of ethics, the distortion of education, the referrer's own defects and also the "utilitarian" publishers. To avoid citation anomie, we should establish the citation ethics sys-tem, strengthen publicity and learning, enhance citation knowledge dissemination and increase the citation check (including the notes and references).%引文失范是引用者违背学术共同体(行业协会、组织或学术研究管理机关)根据学术发展规律参与制定的有利于学术积累和创新的关于文献引用(引证)的各种准则和相关要求。引文失范的类型主要有:引而不精、引而不全、引而不通、引而不著、多引少著、引著不矩。引文失范的原因在于引文规范的缺失、科研伦理的缺位、引文教育的失真、引用者自身的缺陷以及出版单位的“功利”追逐。力戒引文失范,应建立引文伦理规范制度、加强引文伦理规范制度的宣传与学习、强化引文知识的宣传普及、增加对引文(含注释及参考文献)的校验。



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