首页> 中文期刊>四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) >司法救济的逻辑起点:征收补偿协议性质之辨正--兼及补偿协议履行纠纷司法救济之阶段性设计




《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》第二十五条对所涉补偿协议纠纷,采取何种诉讼予以救济不置可否,极易导致法院受理案件与民众维护权益时无所适从,因而,应辨明征收补偿协议的性质。从基本法理分析得知,征收补偿协议契合行政契约的内在逻辑,并且,当前“民事契约论”的形成多囿于补偿协议的契约性而径直定性,抑或受制于现有制度框架造成的惯性思维。而把征收补偿协议定位为行政契约,既可以使征收补偿协议得到理性回归,推进行政契约理论在行政活动中获得本真拓展,又可以更好地保护行政相对人的合法权益。%The article 25 of Collection of State-owned Land, Housing and Compensation Ordinance does not state what action to take to remedy when disputes happen, which fails to enable neither the court to accept a case nor the public to maintain rights and interests. Therefore, the nature of the compensation agreement should be identified. Compensation agreement is inherent with the logic of administrative con-tract. The formation of the civil contract view is either constrained by the contractual nature of compensa-tion agreement or limited by the inertial thinking caused by the existing institutional framework. Locating the compensation agreement as administrative contract not only enables its rational return, but also pro-motes natural development of the administrative contract theory in the administrative activities. Moreover, it is of practical significance for the protection the legitimate rights and interests for the administrative counterpart.



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