首页> 中文期刊>四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) >重文轻武:赵宋王朝的潜规则




The Song dynasty had never declared the policy of valuing literary talent above martial arts. It was widely disputed because it was the wide accepted unspoken rule rather than an expressed pro⁃vision. Historical facts of the early period of the Northern Song dynasty were employed in the dispute. In fact, that period witnessed the transformation from army⁃men politics to civil government. Emperor Taizu’ s combination of military officers and civil officials was only a start to pay more emphasis on civil government. The simplification and absolute distinction between the army⁃men politics and civil govern⁃ment were the real keys to the doubt of the policy of valuing literary talent. Military officers and civil offi⁃cials, instead of being separated or over⁃stubborn, were the two integral parts of hierarchy of the Song dy⁃nasty. Conflicts existed both in the inner formation of both sides while cooperation happened between the two so that the political situation of the Song dynasty was quite complex.%宋朝统治集团只怕从未公开宣称“本朝重文轻武”。宋代重文轻武论之所以备受质疑,原因主要在于重文轻武不是赵宋王朝的明规矩,而是心照不宣的潜规则。质疑者往往以北宋初年的史实为例。其实,当时尚处于从武人政治到文官政府的转换阶段。宋太祖文武并重,只是开始注重文治而已。对于重文轻武的简单化解释和绝对化理解,也是人们怀疑宋代重文轻武的重要原因之一。文臣、武官作为宋代统治集团中的两大群体,既非一概势如水火,也非各自铁板一块。文臣、武官内部均有争斗,两者之间又有交叉,其情势相当错综复杂。



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