首页> 中文期刊>四川烹饪高等专科学校学报 >从接受美学的角度看川菜菜名的日译问题--以“意义空白”理论为中心




以读者为中心的接受美学理论已广泛运用在翻译理论的研究和实践上,为翻译理论提供了新的视角和方法。“意义空白”是接受美学的重要思想。“意义空白”一般有两种:一种是语言本身存在的不确定性,是一种无法表达的表达;另一种是作者为了制造再创造的空间而采用的手段。为了实现“意义空白”,在翻译中通常采用补充或保留“意义空白”。随着我国国际交流的深入,川菜也开始走出国门,走向世界。但川菜在受到国外友人喜爱的同时,也因为菜名翻译方法的不规范而使川菜的传播受到一定的影响。文章拟从接受美学的角度,探寻“意义空白”理论对川菜菜名日译的指导作用。%The theory of reception aesthetic which advocates reader-oriented perspectives has been widely used in translation studies and practice .As an important thought in the theory ,meaning vacancy breaks down to two categories:one is uncertainty of language itself which cannot be expressed;the other is a method adopted by the writer to produce a space for creation .Supplementation and preservation are the two ways often taken to deal with meaning vacancy .With frequent international exchange ,Sichuan cuisine has spread to the world and become popular among foreigners .However ,nonstandard translations of dish names has often led to misunder-standings and affected the promotion of Sichuan cuisine across the world .The paper intends to seek the guiding principles for translating dish names of Sichuan cuisine into Japanese from the theory of meaning vacancy .



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