


文章以咸鸭蛋为核心原料,一物二用,以其蛋黄为基础制作糯米鸭蛋,以其蛋清为基础制作鸭蛋煎饼。采用正交试验,优化糯米鸭蛋的调味料配比,选取生抽、黄酒、白糖、盐为影响因素,进行感官评价。结果表明,糯米鸭蛋的最佳配方为在1000g馅料中加入生抽15mL、黄酒30mL、白糖6g、盐1g。鸭蛋煎饼以口感为指标,考察和面时沸水及冷水的用量。结果表明,制作500g煎饼需预先100mL沸水和面,再加入100mL冷水,最后加入150g蛋清,这样制得的煎饼有较好的口感。%This research selects salted duck egg as major ingredients to develop two dishes. Yolk of salted duck egg is used to make Glutinous Rice-Duck Egg. Egg white of salted duck egg is used to make Duck Egg Pan-cakes. This paper employs orthogonal experiments to optimize the formulation of Glutinous Rice-Duck Egg, taking light soy sauce, yellow rice wine, sugar and salt as the four factors for sensory evaluation. The results show that the optimum formula is 1000g fillings, 15mL light soy sauce, 30mL yellow rice wine, 6g sugar and 1g salt. The dough mixing process of Duck Egg Pancake was studied by amounts of boiling water and cold wa-ter . The results of sensory evaluation show that adding boiling water of 100 mL first followed by 100 mL cold wa-ter and 150g egg white achieve pancakes with the best texture.



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