首页> 中文期刊> 《四川农业大学学报》 >金银花药材的HPLC指纹图谱及绿原酸、木犀草苷含量的同时测定




Obj ective This study established HPLC chromatographic fingerprint of Lonicerae ja-ponica and measured the contents of chlorogenic acid and galuteolin from different areas•The ob-j ective was to comprehensively evaluate L•japonica quality•[Method]The Aglient TC-C1 8 col-umn (4• 6 mm×250 mm,5μm)and gradient elution was used in this study•The mobile phase was composed of 1% HAC (A)and acetonitrile (B)•The elution processes were shown as fol-lowed:0-5 mins ,A 9 5%→9 2%;5-7 mins ,A 9 2%→8 7%;7-2 8 mins ,A 8 7→8 5%;2 8-3 8 mins,A 85→84%;38-43 mins,A 84→82%;43-53 mins,A 82→72%;53-63 mins,A 72→50%;63-65 mins,A 50→5%;75 min,A 5%•The flow rate was 0• 8 mL/min•The detection wavelength was 250 nm and column temperature of 30 ℃•Data analysis was performed using pro-fessional software named Similarity Evaluation System for Chromatographic Fingerprint of Tradi-tional Chinese Medicine composed by Chinese Pharmacopoeia Committee (Version 2004A)•[Re-sults]Fifteen common peaks were selected as fingerprints of L•japonica there were good similari-ties (>0• 9)between standard fingerprint and the fingerprint from 10 medicinal materials•Under the established conditions,the chlorogenic acid and galuteolin were separated well•Additionally, all calibration curves showed good linear regression and their recovery were 9 9• 2% and 9 9• 4%, respectively•[Conclusion]The method is sensitive,accurate and convenient and it can be used to evaluate L•japonica quality.%【目的】建立金银花药材的 HPLC指纹图谱,并同时测定不同产地商品中绿原酸和木犀草苷的含量,全面评价金银花药材质量。【方法】采用Aglient TC-C18(4•6 mm×250 mm,5μm)色谱柱。采用梯度洗脱,流动相A为1%HAC,流动相B为乙腈,洗脱程序为:0~5 min,A为95%→92%;5~7 min,A为92%→87%;7~28 min,A为87→85%;28~38 min,A为85→84%;38~43 min,A 为84→82%;43~53 min,A 为82→72%;53~63 min,A 为72→50%;63~65 min,A为50→5%;75 min,A为5%。流速为0•8 mL/min;检测波长250 nm;柱温30℃。指纹图谱共有模式的建立采用国家药典委员会“中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统2004 A 版”进行处理分析。【结果】在指纹图谱研究中,标定了15个共有峰,建立了对照指纹图谱,10批药材与共有模式之间相似性良好,相似度均在0•9以上;在所建立的分析条件下,绿原酸、木犀草苷均达到了基线分离,且两者在线性范围内线性关系良好,两种成分的加样回收率分别为99•2%、99•4%。【结论】本法灵敏、准确、简便,可用于金银花药材的综合质量评价。



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