首页> 中文期刊> 《十堰职业技术学院学报》 >模具设计与制造专业现代学徒制课程体系设计与实践




The mold design and manufacturing specialty of Hubei Industrial Polytechnic started modern apprenticeship teaching re⁃form in 2014, and reconstruction of curriculum system, especially of professional curriculum system, has become part of teaching re⁃form. According to The Advice of Starting Modern Apprenticeship Experimental Work of Ministry of Education, school and enter⁃prise should jointly construct professional courses based on working content and construct curriculum system based on typical working process, and the method and approaches of curriculum system construction are proposed in it. The mold design and manufacturing specialty of Hubei Industrial Polytechnic co-works with relevant enterprises to analyze typical working process and content of mold design and manufacturing , designs eight professional courses and construct curriculum system on the basis of modern apprentice⁃ship.%2014年,湖北工业职业技术学院模具设计与制造专业开展现代学徒制教学改革,课程体系尤其是专业课程体系的重构成为教学改革的主要内容之一。教育部发布《关于开展现代学徒制试点工作的意见》(教职成[2014]9号)中指出,“校企共同建设基于工作内容的专业课程和基于典型工作过程的专业课程体系”,提出了专业课程体系建设的方法和途径。湖北工业职业技术学院模具设计与制造专业联合有关企业,共同分析了模具设计与制造的典型工作过程和工作内容,设计了8门专业课程,搭建了模具设计与制造专业现代学徒制下的专业课程体系。



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