首页> 中文期刊>邵阳学院学报(社会科学版) >北魏中书学的学校类型——兼谈鲜卑统治者对儒学教育功能的认识




北魏中书学生入学就有官品,且没有入学考试,也没有任何检验学生学习状况的考试手段,因此它不属于传统的太学教育类型,不具备教化民众、传承儒家文化的功能,而只是拓跋鲜卑为加强专制王权而建立的一种培养内侍人员的特殊学校.正因为如此,当时的汉族士人试图通过开办郡太学改变北魏的教育状况,并进而推行汉化改革.拓跋鲜卑在进入中原以后,之所以能够一步一步地顺利完成"以夏变夷"的汉化改革,成为承接中华民族传统文化的重要一环,就在于拓跋统治者对儒学教育功能认识的逐步深化,其中既有拓跋统治者吸收汉民族文化的勇气,又有汉民族的知识士人对本民族文化的不懈坚守.%Without an entrance examination or any other way to test their learning status,students who were enrolled in the ethnical Han's schools in the Northern Wei Dynasty got official ranks.In this sense,having no function of civilizing the populace and promoting Confucian culture,the ethnical Han's schools in the Northern Wei Dynasty can only be regarded as a special school set up by Tuoba Xianbei to train personnel of imperial services so as to strengthen the autocratic mornachy,instead of being sorted into imperial eduction.Therefore,the Han scholars at that time attempted to operate prefecture schools to improve the education conditions and practise the reform of sinicization.After Tuoba Xianbei entered Central China,they accomplished the reform of sinicization by "turning Yi into Xia" step by step successfully,which became an important part of inheriting and developing Chinese traditional culture.All this is based on Tuoba Xianbei governors gradual cognition of the educational function of Confucianism with Tuoba Xianbei governors courage to accept and absorb Han culture and Han scholars unremitting persistence of their ethnic culture.



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