首页> 中文期刊> 《绍兴文理学院学报》 >《太玄》的撰著旨趣及儒道兼赅的哲学思想




扬雄创作<太玄>有其深刻的社会人生和历史文化背景.<太玄>仿象<周易>,吸收秦汉以来天文、历法等自然科学的研究成果,并与当时社会所流行的阴阳五行学说密切结合,构建了一个无比庞杂而又自成条贯的哲学思想体系.扬雄继承并发展了其师严君平"引<易>入<老>"的学术特点,他的<太玄>兼赅儒道,对后来的魏晋玄学产生了重要影响.%There is a profound background of social life and historical culture in Yang Xiong's"Tai Xuan".Tai Xuan imitates zhou Yi, not only absorbing the research of natural science on Chronometer and Calendar and so on since dynasties of Qin and Han, but also inosculating the theory of Yin Yang Wu Xing in its time,thus establishing a great philosophical system of Confucianism and Taoism. Yang Xiong inherited and developed Yan Junping, his master's academic characteristics: combining Yi with Lao. Yang Xiong and his Tai Xuan have a great influence on the theory of Xuan in Wei and Jin Dynasty.



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