首页> 中文期刊> 《绍兴文理学院学报》 >论陆游的七言绝句




陆游的七绝数量为宋人之冠,诗中洋溢着强烈、丰富、深刻的爱国情思,取材极广泛,几乎每种题材都有历代传诵的经典作品。陆游七绝诗立意高远,构思新巧,想象奇丽,或直抒胸臆,或比兴寄托,多用对比反衬的章法结构,语言俊爽,音韵谐美,风格多样,具有宋诗中最浓郁的浪漫主义色彩。清代和近现代诗论家对陆游七律的艺术缺陷颇多非议,却无一人低评其七绝。其七绝的艺术成就与影响在七律之上,仅逊于苏轼天才超卓的七绝,高居榜眼,实至名归。%Lu You’ s seven quatrains outnumbers those of all other poets in the Song dynasty, his poetry filled with strong, rich, pro-found patriotic emotion and covering a wide variety of materials and genres. In almost every genre, there are poems which have pas-sed down through the ages of the classic works. Lu’ s seven quatrains are characterized by a strong romantic color in the Song dynas-ty with a lofty conception, novel design and marvelous imagination;some of them are frank in thoughts, or rich in rhetoric in a com-position structure full of comparison and contrast;others are beautiful in language expressions, harmonious in rhymes and diversified in styles. There were many controversies concerning the defects of his seven quatrains among the poetry critics in the Qing dynasty and modern and contemporary times, yet no one bore a low opinion towards the poems themselves. The artistic achievements and in-fluence of Lu’ s seven quatrains only come next to Su Shi’ s extraordinarily superb ones, a well-deserved reputation for Lu’ s talent as a poet.



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