首页> 中文期刊> 《绍兴文理学院学报》 >《中国文学》(英文版)对鲁迅形象的经典化重构




Translations occur in concrete political, historical and cultural contexts. Influenced by the context in which the translation is produced, the translated image tends to deviate from that of source text to some degree. Chinese Literature ( English version) re-writes the source texts so as to be in line with the main ideology, thus building a multi-facet image of Lu Xun. Targeted at the image-rebuilding of Lu Xun by Chinese Literature ( English version) , the present paper analyzes the five main images of Lu Xun portrayed by this magazine:a communist, an anti-revisionist hero, a Confucius-criticizing pioneer, a critic of“the Gang of Four” and a man of letters.%翻译是在具体的政治、历史和文化环境下进行。受译文产生环境的影响,译文形象也会在一定程度上与原作产生偏离。《中国文学》(英文版)从源语文化出发,按照主流意识形态的需求对译作进行改写,从而塑造出了多重的鲁迅形象。以《中国文学》(英文版)对鲁迅形象的重构为着眼点,详细分析后可知其塑造的五个重点的鲁迅形象:共产主义者、反修战士、批孔先锋、“四人帮”批判者、作家。



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