首页> 中文期刊>上饶师范学院学报 >基于主成分和熵值分析的市政设施水平研究--以2013年江西省22个城市为例




以江西省22个城市为样本,借助SPSS17.0统计分析软件,从11个影响市政设施水平指标中选取出4个主成分,计算各城市综合分值.研究发现:主成分赋值非常接近,说明重要程度相当,反映了城市发展的相对均衡性;最高分(九江)0.049049和最低分(共青城)0.041891之差仅为0.007158,水平差距总体较小;设区市市政设施总体水平明显优于县级市.排前11位的有9座,排后11位仅有2座,县级市情况正好完全相反,反映了江西市政设施总体水平还处于初级阶段.%Taking 22 cities in Jiangxi Province as a sample, the paper uses principal component analysis method and se-lects the 4 principal components from the 11 indicators influencing municipal facilities level by SPSS17.0 and calcu-lates comprehensive score of each city.Study finds the principal components weight values very close and have fair im-portance.It reflects the relative balance of city development.Score difference is small.The difference between the highest score (Jiujiang) 0.049049 and the lowest score (Gongqingcheng) 0.041891 is only 0.007158, the gap is small. The municipal facilities overall level of cities divided into districts is obviously better than that of the county-level cit-ies.The number in the top 11 is 9 and after the row in the 11 is only 2.While the county-level cities situation is just the opposite.All reflects the overall level of Jiangxi municipal facilities is still at the primary stage.



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