首页> 中文期刊>上海大学学报(社会科学版) >《文选集注》中江淹杂体诗的研究价值——兼论先唐文本的研究方法




As the texts of the pre-Tang Dynasty classics are uncertain and derivative,their research calls for comparison and cross-reference of different versions and annotations.Take Collected Annotations to Wen Xu-an:Jiang Wentong's Miscellaneous Poems as an example,the research of its prefaces and annotations,differ-ent texts,the changes of titles,the multi-dimensional interpretation of Li Shan's and other various annotations including the annotations of the lost literatures,not only has great significance in checking the accuracy of the source text and supplementing the historical literatures,but also sheds light on the artistic styles of the poetry in Han and Jin Dynasties and the process of their canonization.A comparison of the early handwritten copies and carving copies of Wen Xuan is conducive to tracing back to its original form and sorting out and revising the col -lections of middle ages or ancient times.Meanwhile,consideration should be taken into the inclusiveness and diversity of texts,as well as the cultural connotations underlying the text transformation.It is of great methodo-logical significance to the study of ancient literatures if we attend to the text evolution and the generative mecha -nism behind it,make full usage of the annotated versions and review and reexamine the interactive relationships between texts,annotations and readers in a pluralistic and inclusive perspective.%先唐经典文本具有不稳定性和衍生性,需要利用诸多版本及注本的比较与互参进行综合研究.以《文选集注· 江文通杂体诗》为例,其序文及注解、正文的异文、篇题的变化、李善注及各家注本的多维诠解、注本所引亡佚文献等,不仅对于勘定原文、补充文学史料具有意义,而且对于探寻汉晋诗歌艺术风格及其经典化进程也颇有裨益.通过《文选》早期钞本、刻本的比勘,可以尽量追溯文本的原貌,利于整理并校订中古集部文献,同时也应当尊重文本的开放性及多样性,注意文本形态流变背后的深层文化内涵.关注文本流变及其生成机制,充分利用集注本及历代注评本,并从多元开放的视角重新审视正文、注文及读者之间的互动关系,对于古代文学研究具有方法论意义.



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