


从元末战争中朱元璋推行不杀戮政策至洪武三年,是朱元璋人口政策的萌芽时期,以保护和安抚为主。从洪武三年起,为人口政策的发展和定型时期。这一时期,明政府严格管理人口、调整人口分布、增加劳动人口、优恤高年、赈灾恤孤,政策更加稳定并逐步走向制度化,体现出浓厚的民本主义特征,符合“民众国强”、“人地相称”等封建社会经济发展的规律,推动了经济发展和社会进步。但同时也存在政策僵化封闭、强制性和优恤的有限性、差别性等局限。%The period from the End-of-the-Yuan-dynasty War to the third year of Hongwu when Zhu Yuanzhang pursued the no-killing policy is the embryonic stage of his population policy in which protec-tion and pacification were his major concerns. The period starting from the third year of Hongwu is the development and consolidation stage of his population policy,in which measures as strict management of population,adjustment of population distribution,increase of working population,comfort and compensa-tion for the aged,and relief for the disaster-stricken and pensions for the bereaved were adopted by the Ming government,so that its policies were more stable and moved towards institutionalization. And,dem-onstrating strong features of the people-centered doctrine,this is in accordance with the economic devel-opment law of a feudal society of“a strong country with a large population”and“proportionality between population and territory”,pushing forward economic development and social progress,but,at the same time,not without limitations such as the rigidness and closure,and coerciveness of its policies,and the finiteness and difference of comfort and compensation.



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