


儒学是一种入世哲学。孔子论《诗》,重视其政治教化作用。西汉武帝在独尊儒术的同时,也继承了周代的民间采诗传统,借以察民情、观风俗。汉乐府这种“平民体”诗歌范式给唐代诗人杜甫以莫大启迪,他创作了大量“即事名篇,无复依傍”的新题乐府,表现普通百姓的生活、苦痛和向往,开文人平民化书写之先河。杜甫的创作,从思想内容到艺术技巧,皆受汉乐府影响至深。“圣人筐篚恩,实愿邦国活”,“致君尧舜上,再使风俗淳”,杜甫被后世尊为“诗圣”,是与他心系民瘼、致力于平民化书写密切相关的。%Since Confucianism is a worldly philosophy,Confucius therefore attached great importance to its role of political enlightenment while interpreting the Book of Songs. Meanwhile Confucianism-worship was the only worship of Emperor Wu of the Western Han dynasty,he,too,inherited the tradition of folk-song-collecting to investigate folk conditions and customs and manners with. This“civilian”paradigm in poetry writing offered Great enlightenment to Du Fu,one of the poets of the Tang dynasty,he thus wrote a great number of the so-called new-topic and extemporaneous Yuefu poems“with no allusions or references to trace back to”,in which he represented the way of life,the hardships and aspirations of the common people,thus pioneering the civilian writing of the scholars. Du’s poems were deeply influ-enced by Yuefu poetry of the Han dynasty both in ideological contents and in artistic techniques. And this is the reason why he was called the“poet-sage”by posterity lies in his deep concern for the people and his civilian writing.



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