首页> 中文期刊>山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >诗性情怀与散文哲学的和鸣--评杨文丰的自然伦理散文




杨文丰的散文既是生态散文、自然散文,也是科学伦理美文,而最准确的表述还是“自然伦理散文”。与自然“相看两不厌”是杨文丰散文哲学的基础或起点,也是他的生态散文取得成功的奥秘之所在,而因为有爱,对于生命的尊重,对于自然的理解、敬畏与悲悯,更使其散文具有高贵的品质,臻于至真至善至美的境界。杨文丰的自然伦理散文引进科学审美视角,十分注重精神性,总以思想者的眼光来思考和认识自然、社会、政治、文化,作人生的思考,把自然现象同人类的审美和生存智慧相结合,既写出了自然的诗性又使思想上升到了哲学的境界,责任感、使命感和忧患意识并重,具有强烈的现实意义。杨文丰对生态伦理的探寻和建构,对文学手法的创新式探索,对散文哲学的追寻,对当代生态散文创作极有借鉴意义。%The essays written by Yang Wenfeng are at once essays of ecology,of Nature,and fine writings of scientific ethics,but the most precise description of them is that they are“essays of the ethics of Na-ture”. His“forever love”of Nature is just the basis and starting point of the prosaic philosophy of Yang Wenfeng,and is just where the secret of his success obtained by his essays of ecology lies as well. More, his love,his respect for life,and his understanding,fear and compassion of Nature have sublimated his essays into what is the truest,the best,and the most beautiful,bearing the nobler attributes. Through in-troducing a scientific perspective of esthetics,his essays of ethics of Nature pay great attention to spiritu-ality,and have always ponder over and cogitate Nature,society,politics,culture,and human life with the eye of a thinker. In these essays,natural happenings are combined with human appreciation of the beautiful and man′s living wisdom. They express the poetic of Nature and make his thought ascend to the height of philosophy by equally stressing sense of responsibility,of mission,and of crisis. In a word,his probe and construction of ecological theory,his innovative exploration of literary devices,and his pursuit of prosaic philosophy have exerted a forceful influence upon the writing of contemporary prose of ecology as a model of reference.



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