首页> 中文期刊> 《陕西行政学院学报》 >东海防空识别区的国际法分析及海峡两岸合作




On November 23, 2013, the Chinese government officially declared the establishment of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), and issued a corresponding recognition rules. From the perspective of international law, ADIZ was proposed at first to maintain the national security of the coastal states, however, norms of international law in this area is still lacking. Presently the ADIZ was accepted by more and more countries, but since the general practice was formed over time, ADIZ then was basically a forming international custom without any legal binding force. Therefore, for China, it is a huge challenge to participate in the internation-al rule-making process, and then based on the grasp of the rules, implement and maintain the national interests of our country. In this regard, the establishment of East China Sea ADIZ is just a start. We must formulate the rules in domestic law, and focus on cooperation and communication across the Straits to establish a long-term mechanism on both sides. Then the ADIZ can serve our national security and people’s well-being better.%2013年11月23日,我国政府正式宣告设立东海“防空识别区”,并颁布了相应的识别规则。从国际法的角度看,“防空识别区”的提出,最早是源于国内法上维护沿海国防安全的需要。历经半个多世纪的实践发展,该领域仍然缺乏可遵循的国际法规范。目前,接受这一规则的国家逐渐增多,但由于国际通例的形成仍需要相当长的时间,“防空识别区”制度本质上仍是一种正在形成之中的国际习惯。对中国来说,如何从国际规则的参与者转变为规则的制定者,进而通过对规则的把握,实现和维护我国国家利益是我们所面临的严峻挑战。“防空识别区”的设立只是一个开始,我们应当从国内法上对“防空识别区”进行严格规范,并重视与海峡对岸的合作与沟通,建立“防空识别区”的两岸合作长效机制,更好地为我国国家安全和人民福祉服务。



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