首页> 中文期刊>中国安全生产科学技术 >单侧弱面受限空间油气爆炸超压荷载的实验研究




为了研究油气在单侧含有弱面结构受限空间中的爆炸特征,构建了单侧开口短管道汽油蒸汽爆炸实验系统,研究了不同开口面积下汽油蒸汽爆炸过程中超压的变化规律.研究结果表明:开口率为25%和50%条件下,内场仅有一个超压峰值PB,外场轴向有2个超压峰值PB和PFV,且外场沿轴向和纵向超压值相差较大;开口率为100%条件下,内外场均有2个超压峰值PB和PFV&EXT,且轴向和纵向超压峰值相差较小;25%开口率和50%开口率条件下油气爆炸火焰形态为喷射状,但未发生外部爆炸;100%开口率条件下火焰形态为蘑菇状,并且发生外部爆炸;随着初始油气浓度的升高,腔体内外超压峰值均先增大后减小,内外场最大超压峰值所对应的油气浓度为1.69%,外部爆炸超压峰值的最大值对应油气浓度为2.12%;随着初始点火能的升高,爆炸过程中的内外超压峰值均升高,而且外部爆炸发生所对应的初始油气浓度的范围增加.%In order to study the characteristics of gasoline-air mixture explosion in the confined space with an unilateral weak plane,an experimental system of gasoline vapor explosion in the short pipe with an unilateral opening was established,and the change laws of overpressure during the process of gasoline vapor explosion under different opening areas were studied.The re-sults showed that under the conditions of 25% and 50% opening ratio,there was only one overpressure peak PBin the internal field but two overpressure peaks PBand PFVon the axial direction in the external field,and the values of overpressure on the axi-al and longitudinal directions in the external field had larger difference.Under the condition of 100% opening ratio,there were two overpressure peaks PBand PFV&EXTboth in the internal and external fields,and the overpressure peaks on the axial and longi-tudinal directions had smaller difference.Under the conditions of 25% and 50% opening ratio,the flame shape of gasoline-air mixture explosion was the jet shape,but without the external explosion.Under the condition of 100% opening ratio,the flame shape was the mushroom shape,and the external explosion occurred.Both the overpressure peaks inside and outside the vessel increased first and then decreased with the increase of the initial gasoline-air mixture concentration,the gasoline-air mixture concentration corresponding to the maximum overpressure peaks in the internal and external fields was 1.69%,and the concen-tration corresponding to the maximum overpressure peaks of the external explosion was 2.12%.With the increase of the initial ignition energy,both the overpressure peaks inside and outside of the vessel during the explosion process increased,and the range of the initial gasoline-air mixture concentration corresponding to the occurrence of external explosion increased.



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