首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道工程学报》 >浆喷桩地基控制高速铁路工后沉降的研究




研究目的:高速铁路软土地基处理对路基的工后沉降具有重要的意义.深层搅拌桩(浆喷桩)是软土地基处理的一种方式,其能否满足相关技术要求,关系到浆喷桩技术在高速铁路软基处理中的应用前景.通过采用浆喷桩复合地基处理工后沉降要求严格的高速铁路软土地基的现场试验,对浆喷桩复合地基处理软土地基的加固效果进行系统的研究.研究结论:试验表明,浆喷桩复合地基处理类似本试验段条件的高速铁路软土地基可以在较短工期内满足5 cm工后沉降的要求.设置了土工格栅碎石垫层后,浆喷桩桩体并无明显的向柔性基础刺入的现象发生,土工格栅碎石垫层的设置达到了均化基底应力及调整差异沉降的目的.实测的沉降分析表明,与天然地基相比,浆喷桩复合地基的固结速率得到了较为明显的提高.%Research purposes: The treatment of the soft soil foundation of high-speed railway is crucial to the post-construction settlement of the subgrade. The deep cement mixing pile (DCMP) is one way to treat the soft soil subgrade, and whether it meets the relevant technical requirements or not relates to the application of the DCMP in treating the soft soil foundation of high-speed railway. The effect of treating the soft soil foundation with deep cement mixing pile was fully studied by doing the field experiment.rnResearch conclusions: The experiment shows application of DCMP in treating the same soft soil subgrade as in the experimental section can meet the requirement of post-construction settlement for 5centimeters in a short period. ,The stress and differential settlement of composite foundation can be adjusted by gravel mat and geogrid. The pile body does not penetrate into embankment with the gravel mat and geogrid under it. With gravel and geogrid, the goal of homogenizing the stress and adjusting differential deformation can be achieved. The analysis of tested settlement show the rate of consolidation of the DCMP composite foundation is faster than the natural foundation.



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