首页> 中文期刊> 《齐鲁护理杂志》 >PBL教学模式应用于层级管理对护士评判性思维能力的影响




Objective:To probe into the influence of PBL teaching model on the critical thinking ability of nurses in the hierarchical management in grassroots hospitals. Methods: 102 registered nurses selected from 6 medical and surgical wards were taken as the study ob — ject and they were divided into the control group (re =50) and the experimental group (re =52) by the way of drawing lots. The nurses in the experimental group were further divided into several groups according to the levels of the nurses and the PBL teaching model was ap -plied in this group ;the traditional model was used in the control group . CTDT - CV was used to measure the change of critical thinking a -bility of nurses in the two groups. Results: There were statistically significant differences in the comparison of opening mind , seeking the truth, systematically critical thinking ability ,self - confidence, curiosity, the degree of cognitive maturity and the total scores between the two groups after the training (P <0.05). Conclusion Application of PBL teaching model in the hierarchical management can not only im — prove the nurses'critical thinking ability ,but also enhance the cohesion of nursing team .%目的:探讨PBL教学模式应用于层级管理对基层医院护士评判性思维能力的影响.方法:选择内科和外科6个病区102名注册护士为研究对象,以病区为单位,用抽签的方式随机分为对照组50名和实验组52名.实验组按照层级把护士分为不同护理组,每个护理组包括不同层级护士,由1名三级护士作为带教老师,统一进行评判性思维知识、PBL教学模式培训,以组为单位应用PBL教学模式进行案例学习、教学查房、书写个案管理报告等实例训练.对照组护士由护士长按照传统模式每月组织2次教学查房及业务学习.采用评判性思维能力测量表(CTDT-CV)测量两组护士的评判性思维能力的变化.结果:培训后,两组开放思想、寻找真相、系统化能力、评判性思维自信心、求知欲、认知成熟度、总体得分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:应用PBL教学模式于护士层级管理中,既提高了护士的评判性思维能力,使护士的工作能力得到提高,又增加了护理团队的凝聚力,发挥了护士的主观能动性.



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