首页> 中文期刊> 《鄱阳湖学刊》 >历代咏庐山诗人的山水情结




庐山是中国山水文化的历史缩影。自东晋以来,历代文人骚客创作出了浩如烟海的吟咏庐山自然生态的作品。这些诗歌,其内容之丰富、形式之多样,令人叹为观止。然而,每个诗人在欣赏庐山的自然生态之时,均从自身的社会地位、政治得失、仕途沉浮或个人嗜好等因素出发,或寄寓怀抱,或抒发情感,或褒贬时弊,其作品思想深处与自然生态天然地产生了某种深厚的个人情结。%Mt. Lushan is Chinese landscape culture in miniature. Since the Eastern Jin Dynasty, scholars and poets of the past dynasties have created tremendous amount of works intoning the natural ecology of Mt. Lushan. These poems are second to none in terms of their abundance in contents and diversity in forms. However, when the poets are appreciating the natural ecology of Mt. Lushan, they start from such factors as their own social status, success and failures in politics, ups and downs in their official careers or their personal hobbies, implying their ambitions, or expressing their feelings, or appraising malpractice of their times. Some profound personal complex naturally generates from the depth of their works and natural ecology.



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