首页> 中文期刊>中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版) >我国北极科考权的社会需求基础和国际维权对策




With the rapid melting of sea ice ,the Arctic is becoming a exuberant place from the past wilderness .China has the potential rights and interests in the Arctic ,w hich is a concern of political ,aca‐demic and economic circles .Most rights and benefits could be gained from business activities ;however , the right to explore and research in the Arctic must be gained and is indispensable .Scientific exploration right in the international community is a "private right"of a country .Any country can have a scientific ex‐ploration right at the high seas ,but in other country's sovereignty we have to observe international and do‐mestic law .There are two ways to protect the scientific exploration right .One is based on the policy or treaties formulated by international organizations ,in w hich the right of our country should be appropriate‐ly considered .T he other is to expand the scientific exploration right through the bilateral or multilateral collaboration among countries .We must attach importance to the scientific exploration right at present ,as the Arctic countries take the attitude of acquiescence and support for China .It is a necessary strategy for China to draw on the scientific exploration right in order to cope with global climate change .An important part of Arctic scientific exploration right is connected with the success of Chinese scientists'effort in sol‐ving the key scientific issues on Arctic .%随着北极海冰的快速减退,北极正在从一个冰雪连天的荒蛮之地成为生机勃勃的希望之洲。我国在北极有各种潜在的权益正在生成,成为政界、学界和经济界关注的焦点。大多数权益可以通过商业方式获取,而对北极进行科学考察和研究的权利却是必须获取、而且不可替代的权利。国家在公海等全球公域范围内拥有科考自由的权利,但是在其他国家管辖范围内则需要遵循相关的国际法和国内法制度。这就要求一国如果希冀维护和扩大本国的科考权益,主要可以通过两种途径:一种是通过政府间国际组织,在制定相关的政策法规时充分考虑我国的权益。另一种是加强双边或多边的合作,拓展科考权的空间。北极国家迄今对我国的北极科考活动采取默许和支持的心态,是我国争取和维护科考权的大好时机。获取和维护我国在北极的科考权是为了满足国家在北极的各种权益而采取的必要对策。推动解决北极面对的重大科学问题,是北极科考权的最为重要的环节。



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