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Objective To describe the research of 71 nursing PhD theses from 2007 to 2012 in China and to analyze their research focus and predict the trends in the future. Methods With content analysis, themes, objects, locations, research framework, kind of research, type designed, sampling method, estimations of sample size, method of data collection, statistics methodology, limitation, reason of research, citation analysis and funding source of 71 PhD theses were studied. Results With clinical nursing research (52%) as the most popular topics, many theses took client (46%) as the research objects and the hospital (58%) was the main location of data collection. Of the total, 46% of the theses had theoretical framework while 70% were quantitative research; the kind of research were mainly non-experimentally studies (65%). On the whole, 34% of the theses did not explain the sampling methods and 56%the estimations of sample size. Meanwhile, 45%had several methods of data collection;87%combined statistical description with statistical inference; 77% had pointed out limitations; innovation (66%) topped the research reason; average of price index reached 46% in the citation analysis and only 32% had funding source. Conclusion The most prevalent topics of nursing PhD theses are about nursing problems needed to be resolved. Compare with the theses from nursing postgraduates and those from journals, with various research methods and precise research design, nursing PhD theses covers wide topics and conduct a deeper analysis, however there are still some disadvantages among the theses.%  目的描述我国护理学博士研究生研究的内容及研究现状,并分析其研究热点和发展趋势。方法采用内容分析法以我国2007—2012年的71篇护理学博士研究生论文为研究对象,从研究主题、研究对象、研究场所、研究框架、研究性质、研究设计类型、抽样方法、样本量的确定、收集资料方法、统计学分析方法、局限性、立题依据、引文分析和基金资助等方面进行分析。结果我国护理学博士研究生学位论文的研究主题主要是临床护理研究(52%);研究对象主要是临床患者(46%);研究场所主要在医院(58%);研究框架以理论框架(46%)为主;研究性质以量性研究(70%)为主;研究设计类型以非实验性研究(65%)为主;抽样方法中未说明的有34%;样本量的计算未说明的有56%;收集资料的方法以多种方法收集(45%)为主;统计学分析方法主要是统计描述和推断兼有(87%);有局限性的占77%;立题依据中创新的占66%;引文分析中普赖斯指数平均值达到46%;有基金资助的比例为32%。结论我国护理学博士研究生学位论文的选题热点与目前护理所存在并需要解决的问题相一致,其研究设计与护理硕士学位论文、期刊杂志上的护理科研论文相比,更具有科学性,选题更加深入,科研设计更加严谨,研究方法也更加多样化,但仍存在着一些不足之处。



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