首页> 中文期刊>西北工业大学学报 >纤维缠绕复合材料壳体起伏区域刚度的研究




Aim. The introduction of the full paper reviews a number of papers in the open literature and then proposes the above-mentioned title's research, which we believe is more efficient than previously and which is explained in sections 1 through 4. Fig. 2 in section 1 gives the micromechanical geometry in the fiber crossover regions of filament-wound cylinders. Section 2 shows how to calculate the stiffness matrices A (stretching), B (stretching-bending coupling) and D( bending) along the length of the undulation as a function of winding angle. Section 3 gives the method for calculating the stiffness of filament winding composites. The calculated results, presented in Figs. 3 through 5 in section 4, and their discussion provide useful information for efficiently establishing the FEA (finite element analysis) of composite pressure vessels.%文章针对起伏区域纤维束的非正交交织的特点,提出一种计算缠绕复合材料的起伏区域内各点刚度的方法.通过算例,计算了整个起伏区域内不同点在不同缠绕角时的各项刚度系数值,给出了各项刚度系数随起伏区域的位置改变以及随着缠绕角变化的三维曲线,分析讨论了各项刚度系数在整个起伏区域内的变化规律,为纤维缠绕复合材料气瓶等高压密封容器的提前泄露问题的有限元分析提供了理论依据.



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