首页> 中文期刊>国家教育行政学院学报 >我国大学办学自主权落实的困境与出路




Observing from the new organizational institutionalism, this paper find that the reason why university autonomy of China encounters the real problems of fulfilling lies in that it is still in the state of system components and not being able to form integral institution on itself, which makes it difficult to get rid of the status of being dependent on the government administration of higher education. In order that university extricate from the present predicament, it is necessary that the related institutional components achieve a systematic combination and upgrade the institution of university autonomy based on the concerted efforts including establishing the related regulative rules, constructing normative and a cultural-cognitive framework, working up the resource allocation mechanism through the third party and develop university autonomy-oriented organizational practice.%从组织新制度学派的制度主张来看,我国高校办学自主权之所以难以落实,是因为其尚处于“制度构件”状态而未形成完整的“制度结构”,因而无以摆脱对政府高教行政权的依附地位。欲使高校办学自主权有效落实,必须从建构办学自主权的相关规则、规范和文化-认知等符号性要素,确立第三方主导的教育资源配置和高校自主办学的组织实践等多重层面协同行动,使这些制度要素有机结合,发展为相应的制度结构,并发挥其应有的制度效应。



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