首页> 中文期刊> 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 >痛饮狂歌空度日,飞扬跋扈为谁雄——李白、杜甫狂放精神平议




At the time of Kaiyuan, the state of Tang Dynasty displayed a grand momentum of "nine gates leading to the palace, and people from all over the world coming to worship". In the midst of the glory of the Tang Dynasty, the poets showed their wild and unconstrained style of the times incisively and vividly in their enterprising spirit. Li Bai and Du Fu were in a peerless position and surpassed hundreds of generations with their arrogance and poetic achievements. On the one hand, Li's and Du's wild spirit was the embodiment of individual enterprising consciousness under the inspiration of the spirit of the times. On the other hand, it came from the admiration of celebrities, which was manifested in such aspects as high self-expectation and indulgence. Due to the differences in temperament endowment and ideology, the wildness of Li and Du also presented different characteristics: Li Bai, a plainly clothed poet from Longxi, was familiar with both Confucianism and Taoism, making friends with princes and marquises with an equal attitude, which reflected his intense arrogance. Du Fu's family drowned themselves in Confucianism, and had never fallen down. His wildness was embodied by arrogance and indulgence in alcohol. Li Bai was born in the prosperous age, and his wildness was the embodiment of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, which was externalized as the unrestrained manner. While Du Fu was born in hard times, and his slightly restrained and unconstrained demeanor was the echo of the spirit of the Tang Dynasty, showing a melancholy and frustrated mood.%开元之时, 唐朝国势呈现出"九天阊阖开宫殿, 万国衣冠拜冕旒"的恢宏气势.在盛唐气象的氤氲下, 诗人们在锐意进取中淋漓尽致地展现出狂放不羁的时代风貌, 李白、杜甫以英玮绝世之姿, 在傲睨放恣和诗歌成就上凌跨百代.李、杜的狂放精神一方面是个人进取意识在时代精神感召下的体现, 另一方面来自于对名士风流的企慕, 具体表现为高自期许和任诞放旷等方面.基于气质禀赋和思想构成的不同, 李、杜二人之狂放也呈现出不同的特点:李白陇西布衣, 儒道兼取, 狂则平交王侯, 遁亦俯视巢、许, 其行藏皆体现出眼空四海的狂傲.杜甫家世儒学, 素业未坠, 虽恪守儒家的弘毅道统, 但也打上了矫时慢物、飞扬跋扈的狂诞底色.李白生逢盛世, 其天马行空的狂放正是盛唐气象的体现, 外化为大江无风浪自涌的不羁风范;杜甫蒿目时艰, 其略带拘谨的疏狂是盛唐精神的嗣响, 呈现出沉郁顿挫的悲慨之风.



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