首页> 中文期刊>南通大学学报(社会科学版) >苏州文化遗产保护中的政府多维职能




Protection of cultural heritage has become an important function of the local government in China. As the existence of “fragmentation” defects, it is necessary to reconstruct cultural heritage protection functions of Chinese local governments. Suzhou has achieved conspicuous effect in the cultural heritage protection, which is attributed to the munici-pal function transformation, and has formed a multi-dimensional governance mechanism for the protection of cultural her-itage. Its function has transfomred from the monopolization to the service, from main body to guiding, from closed to open, from fragmentation to integration, and from tradition to innovation. Such multi-dimensional governance mechanism can pro-vide some beneficial enlightenment to other places of China.%保护文化遗产已成为当前我国地方政府的重要职能。因存在“碎片化”缺陷,我国地方政府的文化遗产保护职能必须进行重构。苏州在文化遗产保护方面成效显著,这归因于苏州市政府经过职能转变已形成了文化遗产保护的多维治理机制:从包办到服务;从主体到主导;从封闭到开放,从分散到整合;从传统到创新。此种多维治理机制可以为我国地方政府文化遗产保护职能的转变提供一些有益启示。



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