首页> 中文期刊>南京工业大学学报(社会科学版) >行政执法适用国际环境条约之困境及出路——以“入境卸驳污油水案”为例




The case of " entry slop barge unloading" highlights the predicaments in applying international environmental treaties to domestic environmental administrative law: the contradiction between international treaties and domestic law, the difficulties in introducing international treaties to the domestic context, and the risks of deviating from original target and principle of international treaties. Such predicament may stern from the charac- teristics of environmental problems including globalization, sovereignty and localization. Therefore, when apply- ing international treaties to the enforcement of domestic environmental administrative law, to guarantee due effect, we need to stick to the principles, make appropriate interpretation and complement necessary approaches. In addition, we somehow need to transform the basis for enforcement, adjust the means of implementation, coordinate domestic mechanism according to the international treaties, and ultimately achieve a positive interaction between the two aspects.%“入境卸驳污油水案”突出显现了国内环境行政执法适用国际环境条约的困境:国际环境条约与国内环境法之间发生抵触,国际环境条约在国内实施时存在障碍以及可能面临偏离国际环境条约制定目标的风险等。究其成因盖源于环境问题的全球性、主权性和地方性等特点。因此,既要在国内环境行政执法中通过严格适用、恰当解释以及原则补充等方法影响国际环境条约的国内实施效果,也要通过转化执法依据、明确操作办法、协调国内机制等方法因应国际环境条约对国内环境行政执法的要求,最终通过两个方面的良性互动促成国内环境行政执法对国际环境条约的善意履行。



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