首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >知识获取方式对社区公民成员行为及品牌认同的影响研究--基于虚拟品牌社区的实证研究




It has been increasingly important for managers and scholars to strengthen memberscommu-nity citizenship behaviors and to make use of virtual brand communities to build a strong brand. This pa-per introduces the concepts of“knowledge acquisition”and“organizational citizenship behaviors”from the fields concerning the studies on organizational behaviors and knowledge management to the research context of virtual brand communities,and explores how to enhance brand identification through various ways of knowledge acquisition in virtual communities. The empirical results show that dynamic knowl-edge acquisition is more strongly associated with members community citizenship behaviors compared with static knowledge acquisition,and members community citizenship behaviors have stronger effects on brand identification than in-role behaviors. At last,this paper concludes with the theoretical and practical implication,explicates the limitation and points out the directions for future studies.%对学术界和实践界而言,如何使社区成员形成社区公民行为,同时如何把社区活动转化为品牌建立活动并实现卓越的品牌认同,正变得越来越重要、越来越迫切。本文首次尝试把知识管理领域和组织行为领域的“知识获取方式”和“组织公民行为”引入到品牌社区研究中来,并深入探讨了不同的知识获取方式对品牌认同的差异性作用及其影响机理。实证研究结果表明:同静态知识获取方式相比,动态知识获取方式会更强地促进顾客的社区公民行为;与角色内行为相比,社区公民行为更强地促进了社区成员的品牌认同。最后,本文探讨了研究的理论贡献与实践贡献,阐述了研究的局限,并提出了未来研究启示。



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