首页> 中文期刊> 《数理医药学杂志》 >基于低频振幅算法对斜视性弱视儿童静息态功能磁共振成像的研究




Objective:Based on low-frequency Fluctuation,analyzed fMRI of strabismus amblyopia chil-dren,and compared with the control group,and observed in patients with abnormal changes in brain activity. Methods:Collected 22 strabismus amblyopia in children resting state fMRI and 10 healthy children (control group)and t test was used to analyze ALFF and fALFF the group and inter-group statistical.Results:Stra-bismic amblyopia in pediatric patients below the normal control brain areas,mainly in the occipital lobe, temporal lobe,cerebellar lobe,anterior inferior cerebellar lobe,the superior temporal gyrus,parietal,fron-tal,occipital gyrus.Conclusion:ALFF and fALFF algorithm based on resting-state fMRI may reflect chan-ges in the visual cortex of strabismic amblyopia changes and multiple brain regions of neural activity.%目的:应用低频振幅(ALFF,fALFF)算法分析斜视性弱视儿童的脑功能磁共振图像(fMRI),并与对照组进行对比,观察患者脑活动的变化与异常。方法:在静息态下采集22位斜视性弱视儿童的fMRI和10名健康儿童(对照组),应用t 检验对 ALFF和fALFF进行组内和组间统计学分析。结果:斜视性弱视儿童患者低于正常对照脑区,主要分布于枕叶、颞叶、小脑后叶、小脑前叶、颞上回、顶叶、额叶、枕中回。结论:基于静息态的fMRI的 ALFF和fALFF算法可以反映斜视性弱视儿童视皮层的变化和多脑区神经活动的变化。



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