首页> 中文期刊>海交史研究 >清代泉州海难事件及其相关仪式




Frequent accounts of maritime activity are found in the genealogical records of Quanzhou coastal families. According to them, shipwrecks occurred frequently, espe~ cially in the Qing Dynasty. Few such incidents were mentioned in other local records, making these data highly valuable. These accounts give us an insight into the era of ad- vanced wooden sailboats in Quanzhou as well as the navigational experiences of the time and related beliefs, rituals and legends. Genealogical records of shipwrecks are relatively brief, usually comprising only a few words like "drowned at sea" or "not buried", but the genealogy itself is rich in information. One may thus determine the purpose of the voyages (for instance, migration,fishing, transportation, or trading) and their destinations (most of the time Taiwan and Southeast Asia). The records reveal that shipwrecks were not caused only by natural disasters, but also due to piracy and other human factors. This article comprises three parts, namely, identifying the incidence of shipwrecks in the genealogy families; analyzing the victims' age and identity, as well as the location the wreck; and describing the related myths, rituals and beliefs. of Quanzhou and cause of%泉州沿海以海为生家族的族谱中,有不少海事活动的记录,其中海难事件也频有出现,尤其以清代资料最为集中。由于地方文献少有相关记录,所以这些资料弥足珍贵,让我们深入了解到泉州发达的木帆船时代蕴含着无数航海家族的辛酸经历,以及由此而产生的一系列信仰、仪式与传说。族谱对于海难的记载相对简略,通常只书写“溺海身亡”、“不得尸葬”若干字,但是族谱本身信息量十分丰富,通过族谱记载的各种资料可以获悉,这些航海家族海上航行的目的包括移民、捕捞、运输、贸易等等,而移民的方向和目的地多指向台湾和东南亚各地。族谱还显示海难事件的发生并非全属自然灾害,遇到海盗等其他人为因素也时有出现。本文包括三个方面内容:介绍泉州家族族谱相关海难事件的记载;选择部分典型的族谱分析遇难者的身份、年龄、海难事件发生的地点、原因等等;介绍海航家族对于海难事件的处理,以及由此而产生的仪式和信仰。



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