首页> 中文期刊> 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 >《法国中尉的女人》中莎拉的人物形象新解




This paper sets out from the oriental Buddhism and Zen′s thought to re-interpret the character image of Sarah,one from The French Lieutenant′s Woman.It starts from analyzing her close relationship with nature to link her image to Buddhism and Zen′s thought.Then it analyzes her image of a Buddhist "suffering masses"and "assis-ting and enlightening sage".Sarah represents the suffering mass and she has the personality of helping others out of distress.In the last two endings of this novel,Zen′s beliefs of "impermanence"and "life or death detachment"are shadowed from the choice she makes.Her choice in the third ending is a kind of spiritual detachment and self-satis-faction representing her supreme ideological level of Buddhism and Zen′s thought.%从东方佛禅思想入手,重新解读《法国中尉的女人》中莎拉的人物形象。通过分析她与自然的紧密联系,构建她与佛禅的关系,进而指出她所折射出的佛家“受苦受难的众生”形象和“普度众生的圣僧”形象。莎拉身上有受苦大众的影子,也有救苦救难的济世者特质。她在小说后两种结局里的命运折射出了禅宗“诸行无常”和“超脱生死”的观念。她在第三种结局里的选择反映了其精神上的超脱和自我满足,达到了佛禅思想的至高境界。



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