首页> 中文期刊> 《龙岩学院学报》 >景区古建筑火灾风险模糊综合评价研究--以福建土楼为例




In all unexpected disasters, fires are fairly more dangerous in the aspects of scale, frequency and impact. Fires will greatly damage the ancient buildings. This paper tries to analyze the causes for risks and hazards of fires and try to establish a fire safety evaluation system on the ancient buildings. This paper tries to, doing a case study of the round buildings in Fujian, measure the fire risk level in the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and built a prevention and control system of fire risk on the ancient buildings. Finally the authors propose such four measurements should be taken as scenery management, fire source management, comprehensive training and ability to carry out emergency work in order to protect scenic spots from fires.%在各种突发灾害中,火灾的涉及面、频率和影响都处于比较危险的状态。火灾对于古建筑的损毁性极大。基于景区古建筑火灾风险的来源与隐患分析,尝试建立景区古建筑火灾风险评价指标体系,从景区特征、火源情况、消防管理能力、火灾处理能力四个大项评价景区古建筑火灾风险。以福建土楼为例,结合专家对各指标的赋值情况,运用模糊综合评价法计算出福建土楼火灾风险等级,并在此基础上构建景区古建筑火灾风险防控体系,提出从景区管理、火源管理、全面培训以及应急能力四大方面开展火灾风险防范工作。



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