首页> 中文期刊> 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 >“后文学时代”:文学等级秩序的崩溃与文学经典主义的消退




The collapse of literary hierarchical order is inevitable result of literary marginalisation, which is the result of literary dissemination and reading being met by a challenge from development of digital new media, and is an inevitable demand by the post-literature. The process accompanied by dispeling the scarci- ty of culture in literature. In the society of opulent literary resources, literature no longer need to be clas- sic. Literature began to lose the classic value in classical literature age, and become a general information text. The classic view is disintegrated. The application of the digital media, the aestheticization of every- day life and commercialization of spiritual products conspired to bring about the collapse of literature hier- archical order and classic view and blurred the boundaries of literature.%文学等级秩序的崩溃是文学边缘化的必然产物,是数字新媒介的发展对文学的传播与阅读提出挑战的结果,也是"后文学"生活的必然要求。这个过程是伴随着文学的文化稀缺性状态的消除而得以发生的。在一个文学资源丰裕的社会,文学不再需要经典化。在社会文化系统中,文学开始丧失经典文学时代所拥有的经典性,成为普通信息文本,经典文学时代形成的经典观逐渐瓦解。现代新媒介的应用、日常生活的审美化以及精神产品的商品化等因素共同促成了文学等级秩序的崩溃与文学经典主义的消退,并最终模糊了文学的边界。



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