首页> 中文期刊>辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版) >古希腊罗马神话中的“三种意象”——关于运用弗莱原型批评理论解剖神话文学结构形式的研究




Northrop Frye's Anatomy of Criticism marks the rise of the theory "archetypal criticism".The so-called "archetypal criticism" is also known as "myth criticism".Prototype is "the typical image that is repeated".And the most basic literary prototype of human society is myth,which is a form of structure model and the infiltration system in human literature and culture at all levels to become the starting point of human literature.Frye's Anatomy of Criticism is the representative of archetypal criticism.By using the Anatomy of Criticism's different critical modes,we would glimpse a different kind of style of ancient Greek and Roman myths and make a good attempt to apply the prototype critical theory to practical literary criticism.Here we can find many images in ancient Greek and Roman mythology conforming to Frye's archetypal criticism,which reflects the correctness and predictability of Frye's theory.This reflects the role myth plays in human development.%诺斯罗普·弗莱《批评的解剖》的问世,标志着"原型批评"理论的崛起。所谓"原型批评",也叫"神话批评"。原型,就是"典型的即反复出现的意象",人类社会最基本的文学原型就是神话,神话是一种形式结构的模型,是浸润于人类文学文化体系的各个层面,成为研究人类文学的起点。弗莱《批评的解剖》主要是一部原型批评(神话批评)的代表作,通过将《批评的解剖》的不同批评模式运用于古希腊罗马神话,可以窥见古希腊罗马神话别样的风采,也是将原型批评理论运用于实际文学批评的一次有益尝试。依照上述分析方法,我们能够在古希腊罗马神话中找到符合弗莱原型批评理论的众多意象,也能够根据这如此众多的原型意象映衬弗莱理论的正确性与前瞻性,进一步让读者把握古希腊罗马神话除了赏析与文化的作用之外,更深层次地体现了神话这种特殊的文学形式在人类发展过程中所起到的巨大作用。



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