首页> 中文期刊>辽宁高职学报 >“任务驱动教学”下的工学结合教学模式的研究




In order to m eet the requirem ents of econom ic global industry developm ent for high-skilled talents,"task-driving teaching" has becom e one of strategies of vocational education reform . In the teaching m ode of w ork-study com bination w ith"task-driving teaching", theory teaching adopts task-driving m ode and practical link adopts the m ode of w ork-study com bination. This com bination can take college students' extracurricular scientific practical activity in talents' training system . The com bination betw een classroom teaching and extracurricular practical teaching can effectively increase students' com prehensive ability.%  为了应对经济全球化产业发展对高技能型人才的需求,“任务驱动教学”成为职业教育改革的战略之一。“任务驱动教学”下的工学结合教学模式,理论教学采用“任务驱动”模式,实践环节采用“工学结合”模式,二者结合将大学生课外的科技实践活动纳入人才培养体系之中,进而将课内教学与课外实践教学有机结合,能有效提高学生的综合能力。



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