首页> 中文期刊> 《乐山师范学院学报》 >元杂剧才子佳人戏中两种佳人形象的比较




The image of women in the drama of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies in the Yuan Opera is mainly divided into the miss of a renowned family and the brothel female. Many commentators argued that the two types have no substantial difference except the identity mark. The article compared the similarities and differences in the drama of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies. The article holds, the similarities are talent, appearance and love, the differences are identity, character and initiativeness. The reason of the similarities is the conflict and fuse of two kind of national culture, while the reason of the differences is the writer’s creative psychology.%元杂剧才子佳人戏中佳人形象主要分为闺阁少女、青楼妓女两种类型,众多论者认为两种佳人形象除了身份标注,并无实质区别。文章以《元曲选》中才子佳人戏为考察对象,比较闺阁少女和青楼妓女两种佳人形象内涵的异同。文章认为,两种佳人形象之才貌、情及对爱情的追求有相似的一面,但由于佳人身份的不同带来了性格、主动性的差异,导致了情节发展的不同。元杂剧中佳人形象之“同”是元代社会两种民族文化观念冲突、交融的结果,佳人形象之“异”是剧作家不同的创作心理所造就的。



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