首页> 中文期刊>乐山师范学院学报 >试析苏轼在岭南的医疗活动




苏轼是北宋著名的文学家,书画家,为唐宋八大家之一,在文学艺术方面堪称全才。政治上因涉入元祐党争,曾多次被贬,与岭南结下不解之缘。从绍圣元年(1094)到元符三年(1100),苏轼被贬岭南的几年间,针对岭南地区医疗条件落后的情况,通过实际行动,如种药、施药,建议开医坊,在岭南传播医疗知识,改变岭南医疗陋俗,为提高岭南的医疗水平做了极大的贡献,产生了积极影响。%Su Shi was a famous writer and painter in Northern Song Dynasty. He was also regarded as one of the eight prose masters of the Tang and Song dynasties, and was an all-rounder in literature and art. However, he was involved in Yuanyou political faction and was repeatedly demoted, which gave him indis-soluble bound with Lingnan. From the first year of Shaosheng (1094) to the third year Yuanfu (1100), Su Shi was banished to Lingnan. During his stay, he spread medical knowledge and changed the undesirable medical custom there through a series of practice like planting and fertilizing medicinal materials, suggesting opening medicine shops according to the inferior medical situation in Lingnan area. He made great contribu-tion to the improvement of the medical and treatment level in Lingnan area and had a positive influence at that time.



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