首页> 中文期刊>兰州大学学报(社会科学版) >摇滚乐对于当代油画艺术借鉴价值分析r摇滚乐对于当代油画艺术借鉴价值分析




作为通过视觉与听觉方式传播的艺术作品,油画与摇滚乐为人们带来的精神享受是巨大的.摇滚乐因其特有的内在因素而具备很多油画应当借鉴与学习的东西,油画应当将其过滤吸收并融入在自身当中.通过对摇滚乐和油画这两种艺术表达形式的对比研究来分析它们之间的联系与区别,试图为油画艺术在当今社会进一步成长、发展提供一些新的信息.%Oil paintings and rock music, as the representatives of visual and auditory arts, bring huge plea-sure to people's spiritual lives. Rock music possesses unique intrinsic elements for oil paintings to borrow from and absorb. Through analyzing the similarities and differences between rock music and oil paintings, this paper tries to provide a different dimension for the development of oil paintings in contemporary society. Abstract:Oil paintings and rock music, as the representatives of visual and auditory arts, bring huge plea-sure to people's spiritual lives. Rock music possesses unique intrinsic elements for oil paintings to borrow from and absorb. Through analyzing the similarities and differences between rock music and oil paintings, this paper tries to provide a different dimension for the development of oil paintings in contemporary society.



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