首页> 中文期刊>暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版) >肠外、肠内序贯营养支持在普外科大手术、危重病人中的应用




Aim: To study the mode of suitable nutritional support in critical ill patients. Methods: 26 critical ill patients were treated with stage nutritional support of TPN-PN、EN-TEN, the effect and complications were oberserved . Results: After nutritional support treatment, there were obvious improvement of nutritional condition. The mean time of nutritional support was 16.3 days; the mean transferring time point from TPN to PN、 EN was 7.2 days; PN、 EN was 4.6 days; the mean duration of EN was 4.5 days. Complications: 1 case of catheter-related; 2; 1. Conclusion: The stage nutritional support of TPN-PN、EN-TEN might be suitable for nutritional support in critical ill patients.%目的:探讨危重、应激病人合理的营养支持模式。方法:对26例普外科危重、大手术病人进行全肠外-部分肠外、部分肠内-全肠内序贯营养支持,观察营养支持的效果和并发症。结果:治疗前后营养状态有明显改善,营养支持平均时间16.3 d,其中全肠外营养(TPN)7.2 d;肠内、肠外营养(PN、EN)4.6 d;全肠内营养(TEN)4.5 d。并发症:置管并发症1例、代谢并发症2例、严重腹泻1例。结论:肠外、肠内序贯营养支持模式是危重病人较合理的实用模式。



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