首页> 中文期刊>江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >“白描”作为画论术语向小说文法术语的转变




"白描"是古代画论与小说批评中普遍出现的一个术语。它较早运用于画论领域,既是指一种有别于设色、水墨等类别的画作样式,也是指为达到这种样式而采用的以简略粗线条式描画技法本身。在明代画坛上此种技法大兴之后,转而运用于古代文学尤其是小说批评领域,并在清代小说评点领域作为一种独特的小说文法而频频出现,体现了世情小说的典型特征。%"Bai Miao" was a common terminology in the ancient painting theory and novel criticism. It was initially applied in the painting theory field, and was referred to both as a painting style differ- ent from coloring, ink painting, etc. and a painting technique using briefly thick lines. This technique boomed in the Ming Dynasty and gained its popularity, and then it was used in the ancient literature, especially in the novel criticism. And as a unique novel grammar terminology in the novel criticism, it was more common in the Qing Dynasty,representing typical characteristics of "human novels".



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