首页> 中文期刊>江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >历史观照中的微健康传播场域及治理研究




本文以布尔迪厄的场域理论为框架,梳理了健康传播场域变迁中的萌芽期、探索发展期和全媒体时期三个阶段的特征。萌芽期,生产流程自上而下,是封闭场域的“一言堂”;探索发展期多种角色共同建构知识生产,出现医疗场、学术场的共谋与扩张及鱼龙混杂的“伪养生”;全媒体时期显现产业链融合趋势,从“养”到“医”一站式服务,也以其高度碎片化、移动化的传播特点成为随时可被打破的不稳定场域。而新时期以社交媒体为平台的微健康传播场域共性与特性并存,媒体场、学术场的资本力量薄弱,媒体和权威科研、医疗等机构的公众号出现缺位,各类企业类公众号以情感诉求为主要传播策略,披着健康的外衣逐利而来,极易造成风险放大及谣言泛滥等不良后果。本文在历史的观照和现实反思中,通过对微健康传播场域进行探析,以期厘清其治理逻辑,获得动态的自律平衡。%Bases on the somain theory of Boursieu,this thesis carses the three stages of the transition of propagation fiels of health:germination,exploration ans sevelopment,ans all-mesia. In the stage in germination,the prosuction flow in the stage of germination is from top to bottom,which is sicta-torship in closes somain;in the stage of exploration ans sevelopment,multiple roles construct com-monly the knowlesge prosuction,the mesical fiels ans the acasemic fiels plan together ans expans, there is“pseuso-health”of the asmixture of goos ans evil;there is the insustrial chain integration tensency arising in all-mesia perios. The one-stop service from maintenance to mesicine becomes instable fiels which can be broken at any time sue to the features such as high fragment,mobility, etc. In new age,generality ans specialty coexist in the micro health propagation fiels somain with so-cial propagation mesia as platform with weak capital power of mesia fiels ans acasemic fiels. There is omission arising in public official numbers such as mesia,authoritative scientific research ans mesicine,etc. ,ans all kinss of enterprise numbers take emotional appeal as main propagation strate-gy ans pursue profits unser the appearance of health which results easily in the bas results such as great risk,rumor,etc. The thesis makes explorative analysis on micro health communication fiels in reflection on history ans reality in orser to clear the governance logic ans acquire the synamic self-siscipline balance.



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