首页> 中文期刊>江西教育学院学报 >论书院遗址的学校教育功能——以江西部分书院为例




书院遗址是当代学校教育的宝贵遗产,文章在调研江西省部分书院遗址现状的基础上,将书院遗址大致分为保护完好者、在现代学校或附近有一定建筑遗存者、散见于古代村落者、曾在遗址上建立现代学校但已被彻底拆除者、只知其名难觅其址者等五类。文章认为书院遗址有着与当代教育交融、见证教育人物活动和承载厚重历史信息的特征,需要充分发挥其文化遗产保护、学校德育、校史教育、校园景观和进行学术研究与特色学校建设的功能。%The academy of classical learning sites are valuable sites of modern school education.Based on the investigation of the status of some academies of classical learning sites in Jiangxi province,this paper divided the academy of classical learning sites into five parts: the well protected;the buildings remaining in modern school or somewhere around school;those scattering throughout ancient villages;those once becoming modern school but now having been completely demolished;those only known by their names but people can't find their sites.This paper holds that the academy of classical learning sites have the features of blending with modern education,viewing the activities of educational figures and carrying heavy historical information,so we should bring into full paly of the features of cultural heritage protection,school moral education,school history education,campus landscape,and conduct academic research and characteristic school building of the academy of classical learning sites



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