首页> 中文期刊>江西教育学院学报 >英语动结构式中的状态变化与位置变化




The syntactic form of English resultatives is S+V+O+XPAP/PP ,its corresponding meaning is“X CAUSES Y TO BECOME Z”,which can respectively signify change of location and change of state. The syntactic structure of change of state is signified as S+V+O+AP/PP,and that of change of location as S+V+O+PP. Because of some similarities be-tween these two constructions in concepts,semantics and aspect,some researchers hold that they both belong to the same construction,i. e. resultative construction. Through the comparison between constructions( 1 )and( 2 ),we hold that they belong to different constructions. So we need to address two questions here:1. Do change of state and change of location be-long to the same kind of change?2. Is it necessary for us to give a unified account of these two different constructions signi-fying two different changes?We argue that change of state and change location are subject to two quite different concepts which should be accounted for separately. Constructions(1)and(2 )should be respectively labeled as resultative con-struction and goal pp construction.%英语动结构式的句法结构为S+V+O+XPAP/PP ,其意义为“X致使Y变成Z”。它们可分别表示位置变化和状态变化。表状态变化的句法结构为(1):S+V+O+AP/PP,表位置变化的句法结构为(2):S+V+O+PP。这两构式在概念、语义以及体方面存在相似性,因此有研究认为它们属于同一构式,即动结构式。文章通过(1)、(2)两构式的比较,认为构式(2)不属于动结构式。因此,我们需要解决两个问题:(一)状态变化和位置变化属于同一种变化吗?(二)表状态变化的构式与表位置变化的构式是否要统一进行解释?我们认为状态变化与位置变化是两个根本不同的概念,这两构式应分开解释。文章中的(1)、(2)两种构式应分别叫做动结构式与目标PP构式。



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