首页> 中文期刊>江南大学学报(人文社会科学版) >“儒道佛”·“生活世界”与其相关的“意义治疗”




文章旨在阐明"儒、道、佛"三教所涵之心性义理,试图如其生活世界,而做一展开运用,因之而豁显其相关的意义治疗学思维。首先,笔者阐述了撰写《中国宗教与意义治疗》的因缘,并借此表达了对于教育学、心理学之追求本土化的意愿。之后,文章概括的指出儒家所重在"孝悌人伦、仁义为教、道德创生",道家之所重在"尊道贵德、慈俭虚靜、自然无为",佛家之所重在"悲智双运、涅槃寂静、缘起性空"。进一步言之,儒家重在"仁",他著重人伦教化的落实,并开启主体的自觉性,是"我,就在这里"。道家重在"慈",他开启了自然天地的奥蕴,并点示了场域的和谐性,是"我,归返天地"。佛教重在"悲",他深化了意识层次的分析,并廓清了意识的透明性,是"我,当下空无"。之后,文章对于心性之学所可能展开的心灵意识之诠释做了大略之理釐清,并因而对于"道、德、理、性、气、情"及"志、意、心、念、识、欲"等做了话语的转化,试图呼吁本土心理学的辅道学之可能。%This paper aims at illustrating the "mind and nature" theory in Confucianism,Taoism,and Buddhism in the context of logotherapy.The author first gives a brief account on the therapeutic theories developed in Chinese Religions and Logotherapy.He concludes that Confucianism emphasizes "humanity",which is manifested in the ethical practice of each individual in society.Taoism emphasizes "sympathy",which is manifested in the field of Heaven and Earth.Buddhism emphasizes "compassion",which is a natural consequence of Buddhist analysis of consciousness.In sum,the subjectivity for Confucianism is "I am here facing the world",for Taoism "I am part of the totality of field",and for Buddhism "I have no substance to cling to".Then the author tries to apply his insights of "mind and nature" based on creative interpretations of Chinese classics to develop a therapeutic theory.



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