首页> 中文期刊> 《佳木斯教育学院学报》 >浅谈语境视角下日语拟声拟态词的汉译--以《我是猫》为中心




Onomatopoeia and mimicry word is one of the important features of Japanese, in newspapers, magazines, TV or fiction, prose, the use of onomatopoeia and mimicry word can be seen everywhere. Japanese onomatopoeia and mimicry word and flexible in use, strong randomness, and variety, is one of the most difficult to learn Japanese. In the process of translation of onomatopoeia and mimicry word, many things must be translated into Chinese onomatopoeia, but the number is very few, therefore, the translation of onomatopoeia and mimicry word is difficult to reach, to make the appropriate adjustments according to the context requires."I am the cat"is a representative of Japanese literary works of Natsume Soseki, works in a humorous tone, from the perspective of"cat"to view"hypocrisy"in human life, profound significance;at the same time, the use of onomatopoeia and mimicry word, and frequently works, more vivid, lively.%拟声、拟态词是日语的重要特征之一,不论在报刊、杂志、电视还是小说、散文中,拟声、拟态词的使用都随处可见。日语拟声、拟态词使用灵活,随意性强,而且种类繁多,一直是日语学习的难点之一。拟声、拟态词在汉译的过程中,很多情况都要翻译成汉语中的象声词,但汉语中的象声词数量很少,因此,拟声、拟态词的汉译很难达到一一的对应,很多时候要根据语境的要求作出适当的调整。《我是猫》是日本文学巨匠夏目漱石的代表作之一,作品以幽默诙谐的语调、以“猫”的视角来反观人类“虚伪”的生活,意义深刻;同时,作品中频繁的使用拟声、拟态词,更显得生动、活泼。



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