首页> 中文期刊>佳木斯教育学院学报 >多模态语篇视角下国家形象传播的视觉语法分析--以韩国纪录片《超级中国》为例




With the increasing influence of China in world politics, economy, culture, military structure, China issue has increasingly become the focus of foreign media attention. In this situation, to enhance the national image is the primary work. China's development can not be separated from the world, so that other countries understand a comprehensive new China, for China in the international development has great significance. Starting from the social semiotic study angle, this paper makes multimodal discourse analysis of the Korean documentary "super China", explores how the multimodal discourse constructs the image of China, and the enlightenment the documentary brings on China's external image communication, has certain reference significance to improve audience's ability to interpret the images and the image construction of their design ability.%随着中国在世界政治、经济、文化、军事格局中影响力的日益提升,中国议题也日益成为外国媒体所关注的焦点,在这种形势下,中国提升国家形象是当下首要的工作。中国的发展离不开世界,使其它国家了解一个全面的新中国对于中国在国际的发展有巨大的意义。本文从社会符号学的视觉语法角度出发,对韩国纪录片《超级中国》进行多模态语篇分析,探讨该多模态语篇是如何构建、传播中国形象的以及该纪录片对我国的对外形象传播工作带来的启示,对于提高受众的图像解读能力和图像建构者的设计能力有一定的借鉴意义。



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