首页> 中文期刊> 《日语学习与研究》 >“汉诗”翻译的教学方法探赜




Up to the present day, the study of Chinese Literature and the History of Sinology concerning“Han poetry”has produced diverse research findings. The establishment of“Chinese Poetry Translation and Appreciation”as a quality course and compulsory subject for Japanese graduate students represents a bold educational reform and an innovative practice. This paper intends to discuss the translation teaching method for“Han poetry”lectures and the effect and meaning of multiple translations according to linguistics and the law of three-dimensional appreciation. Two years of teaching proved the reasonability and the meaning of sustainable development for the new course plan.%迄今,日本汉文学、汉学史的研究中,关涉“汉诗”很多,研究多元展开,成果丰腴。而把“汉诗赏析、汉日翻译”两课合一打造成精品课程,以诗歌赏析中的汉日翻译和诗韵文化学习为教纲的教学法研究却几近阙如。通过汉诗“文义、格律、意境”三维赏析,强化学生文史哲知识,N项汉日翻译的授课,可以达到训读文语自由诗、修辞、通释诗文,文语兼现代日语学习的高强度专业日语训练。两年的教学实验,印证了该课程创新设置的合理性和可持续发展的意义。



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